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Pumpkin Carving Contest 2023

Here you will find all of the submitted pumpkins for our carving contest in 2023! 

Want to see them in person? Visit the 4th floor DRO lounge.


Vote using the following link: VOTE HERE! VOTER ICI!


You may vote for your top five pumpkins (ranked from best to worst) and you MAY NOT vote for your own lab's pumpkin!


Pumpkins are shown in alphabetical order.


The BOOddy Lab

This Workday pumpkin might be the biggest jumpscare out there this Halloween...


Into the Fogg

I think we can all agree the Fogg lab's (cat)ion is pretty (rad)ical 🤙.


Jaclyn's Jack-O-Lanterns

Nothing spookier than a ghost, especially a ghost of undergrads past! Thanks for the submission, Brusso Lab!


The Shining

The Murugesu Lab put together a touching tribute. I'm sure we all want to be 'Friends' with them after seeing this pumpkin! 


Pezacki Lab

Technically, alcohol is a solution.

Remember to vote!!

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